Sunday, November 12, 2017

Manhattan Landscapes in Manhattan at The New York Open Center

Madison Square Park Springtime 30x40"oil on canvas....Summer Bouquet with Shadow 36x36" oil on canvas are some of the many Manhattan Landscapes and Florals showing at The New York Open Center through December 17th...also exhibiting is the beautiful work of my former student and friend Richard Michaels... There will be a "Closing Party" on Thursday December 14th from 5-7pm...If you are in Manhattan please stop by and say hello....I look forward to seeing you there!


  1. We are so excited for you and cannot wait to see more works from this exhibit.

  2. I think we need to get tough with the viewing public.

    No more "Please come to our show" approach.

    How about "O.K. You are all IDIOTS if you don't buy these incredible paintings. "

    That's telling them.

    XXX Your Fan , CBA
