Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Chenay Bay

This the view, one of many , from our cottage by the sea,  in the Carribean now....87 degrees and the water is the same .....lots of swimming  and painting...I am so inspired by tropical breezees and the look and feel of this foriegn place... more to come  


cba said...

Je suis très heureux que vous êtes heureux.
Avez-vous vu beaucoup de voitures sur les Rues du
St. Croix ?
Comment est votre voiture ? Conduit-il bien ? Auriez-vous été plus heureux avec un camion ?

You must feel like The Bachelor and the winning bachelorette on St. Lucia. Which I just watched, never having seen it before.

Nor will I again.

But I did like the the look of St. Lucia.

Ballard, by the way, wants to commission you to do "about 15 more paintings."

I visited briefly with them today, and wait 'till you hear Leili's latest idea.

I got out as the Popov began to flow.

cba said...

Actually, what Ballard said (I just spoke to him again) was that "He would like to commission you to do a whole museum."

He really loves the painting. He says it is "fantastic."

kate said...

I am very happy...non je suis tres heureux avec le "commission" de votre frere... yippie!

kate said...

I am very happy...non je suis tres heureux avec le "commission" de votre frere... yippie!