Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Back to Winter

This is East Rd Alford   Ma....almost every day Mike and I walk down or up this road ....this particular afternoon  I was struck by the color of the snow with the late afternoon light on it...and the funny  cast shadows on the road from the snow bank....I did this painting from memory in the studio the next morning...hard for me to do considering my ability to remember things....but it does remind me of what I saw and why I liked it..oil on canvas   18x18"


cba said...

It's beautiful.

A paean to the Berkshires.

Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

what is a "paean"?

Claudia said...

A singing, admiring poem.
I agree.

cba said...

It can also be an inventive Greek-style pie, made of birdseed and pine needles.

Really! Didn't Mrs. Latham teach you anything??

Kate Knapp Artist Blog said...

well what ever she taught me I can assure you I am working very hard to forget it all...as fast as I can..that's why I have got smart friends like you... to help me remember it all